25 Creative Tips To Make the Best Wedding Hashtag Signs

25 Creative Tips To Make the Best Wedding Hashtag Signs Wedding hashtags have become a staple in modern weddings. They allow couples to easily find and organize photos and posts about their special day on social media. The key to an unforgettable wedding hashtag is creativity and personalization! Too much pressure? We got you. Check out our 25 creative tips to make the best wedding hashtag signs that will leave a lasting impression on your guests and make your social media wedding memories shine. (P.S. we even included examples!)

1. Personalize It (Obviously)

Your wedding hashtag should reflect your and your new spouse’s personalities in addition to the theme of your wedding. Try to include both your names or nicknames, and even some keywords related to your wedding, such as the location, theme, or date. Example: #Blake&Ryan2023

2. Apply Alliteration or Try Rhyme

A catchy hashtag is often one that has a rhyme or alliteration. This not only makes the hashtag memorable but also adds a poetic touch to it. They’re also usually super fun! Example: #TheHanksGetHitched

3. Keep it Short and Sweet

A good hashtag should be short and easy to remember. Avoid long and complicated hashtags, as they can be difficult to type, especially for guests posting in real time. Example: #JenSaysIDo

4. Test Your Hashtag

Before finalizing your hashtag, do a quick search on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook to ensure that it is unique and not already in use.

5. Get Funny With It

A funny hashtag can be very memorable and add a light-hearted touch to your wedding. Try to think of puns or jokes that are related to your name or wedding theme. Example: #FinallyAFletcher

6. Use the Date

Using the date of your wedding in the hashtag can help make it unique. Consider incorporating the day, month, or year in a creative way. Example: #SmithsInSeptember

7. Think of Memorable Phrases

Consider using popular phrases or sayings and adapting them to fit your wedding hashtag. This could be a line from a song, a quote, or even a movie title. Example: #ToHaveAndToHarrison

8. Get Creative with Capitalization

Capitalizing the first letter of each word in your hashtag can help make it more readable and visually appealing. Example: #HereComeTheHydes

9. Make it Easy to Spell

Avoid using words that are difficult to spell. If your guests can’t spell the hashtag, they may not use it. Example: #JonesJustMarried

10. Use a Hashtag Generator

If you’re struggling to come up with a hashtag, try using a hashtag generator. These online tools can help you come up with creative hashtags based on your name and wedding details. Wedding Wire has one that’s free to use!

11. Make a Play on Words

Puns, wordplay, and clever combinations can create a unique and memorable hashtag. Example: #InCrowleyMatrimony

12. Showcase Your Personality

Your hashtag should reflect your personality as a couple. Whether you’re quirky, romantic, or adventurous, make sure your hashtag captures your essence. Example: #AndersonAdventureBegins  
wedding day hashtags

13. Avoid Cliches

While it may be tempting to use popular wedding phrases like “HappilyEverAfter,” try to come up with something original and unique to your wedding. Example: #LaterLevinson

14. Consider Your Audience

Keep in mind your guests when creating your hashtag. It should be something they will find memorable and want to use. Example: #LoveOnTheLake

15. Use a Thesaurus

A thesaurus can help you find synonyms for common words, adding a unique twist to your hashtag. Example: #UptonUnited

16. Seek Feedback

Once you have a few hashtag options, ask for feedback from friends and family. They may have some creative ideas you haven’t thought of.

17. Make it Visually Appealing

When creating your wedding hashtag sign, use a font and design that matches your wedding theme. This will make your hashtag stand out and look great in photos. If you’re having a rustic wedding, go for a wooden sign with white calligraphy! 

18. Location Matters

Place your hashtag signs in highly visible areas, like the entrance or near the photo booth. This will encourage guests to use your hashtag throughout the event. Your wedding venue staff will definitely be able to help with this step.

19. Use Multiple Signs

Having multiple hashtag signs throughout the venue will remind guests to use your hashtag and make it easy for them to find. You can even add mini hashtag signs at each table!

20. Incorporate the Hashtag in Other Wedding Items

Use your hashtag on wedding invitations, programs, and even favors. This will help promote your hashtag and ensure guests remember to use it.

21. Share the Hashtag with Your Guests

Don’t keep your hashtag a secret! Share it with your guests ahead of time on your  wedding website, invitations, or even through social media.

22. Create a Photo Booth

Having a photo booth with your hashtag sign will encourage guests to take fun photos and use your hashtag. Ask your venue about photo booths; they may have a referral for you!

23. Use Your Hashtag on Social Media

Start using your hashtag in the months leading up to your wedding. This will help build excitement and remind your guests to use it on the big day.

24. Monitor Your Hashtag

Keep an eye on your hashtag throughout the event or choose a point person to do so. Repost and engage with guests’ posts to show appreciation and encourage more hashtag usage.

25. Create a Social Media Album

After the wedding, collect all the posts with your hashtag and create an online album. This will be a great way to relive your special day and see the event from your guests’ perspective.
wedding signs

Photographer: Kelly Sea Images


Are you ready to create the perfect wedding hashtag? If so, you need the perfect wedding venue to go along with it. Enter Clarks Landing Yacht Club. Newly renovated and upgraded, our Point Pleasant wedding venue is eager to create a truly personalized experience for you, your spouse, and your guests. Our elegant Grand Ballroom and Riverview Cocktail Room lend themselves perfectly to hashtag signs and other custom decor. Want to see our reception spaces for yourself? Reach out to Clarks Landing Yacht Club today to schedule a tour. #Can’tWait